Cord results (Full)

Cord results (Full)

This screen displays a large amount of data for each design rectangle. You can navigate through the rectangles by clicking “Next Rectangle” and “Previous Rectangle”. The most useful component of this screen is probably the ability to export raw nodal data via the “FEA Node Data” tab. This gives mound height, deflection, bending moment, and shear for each node in the finite element analysis, and exports the data in a format compatible with Microsoft Excel to allow graphing of beam and mound interactions.

The data displayed here is more detailed than would be required for a typical report, but can be used for advanced investigations.

CORD Results Preview

This simply re-displays standard tabulated results from the previous “CORD Results Preview” screen, including any failed footing properties in red text.

FEA Node Data

Tab: DISPLAY FULL RESULTS to be able to view FEA Node Data
The left-hand side of this panel shows a table of values. You can click “Direction 1, C.H.” for the Centre Heave results from direction 1, and “Direction 1, E.H.” for Edge Heave results from direction 1, etc.. By clicking “Copy to clipboard (tab delimited, i.e. Excel)”, all data from directions 1 and 2, Centre Heave and Edge Heave will be copied to the clipboard with tabs separating values. This can be directly pasted into a Microsoft Excel worksheet and you may graph the different values as you wish. For example, the mound profile and beam deflection can both be plotted against the distance to give a concept of where the beam has sunk into the soil and where it has lifted off.
The right-hand side of this panel shows a text (ASCII) version of the nodal data, in a reduced form (a reduced number of data points). This can be selected normally, and copied by right-clicking on the selected text and clicking “Copy”. This data is in the format of extended output from CORD 8, and may be used in more extended reports.

Inputs and Load Calculations

This is the summary of loads and other inputs for the current design rectangle. It is the same format as the inputs and load information from the main Results Summary screen.

Parameter List

This is the parameter list for the current design rectangle. It is the same format as the parameter list from the main Results Summary screen.

Text Summary

This is a text (ASCII) version of the tabulated results from the CORD Results Preview, for the current design rectangle. It is the same format as the table from the main Results Summary screen.

Copy All Text

When you click this button, all ASCII text (compiled from all of the information pages) is copied to the clipboard. Alternatively you can select portions of text individually within the text boxes and copy to clipboard by right-clicking on the selected text clicking “Copy”.

Save Output

This allows you to save all ASCII text (compiled from all of the information pages) as a text file.

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