Program Description


  • Type of construction loadings and other parameters necessary to describe superstructure.

  • Soil information.

  • Trial footing cross section parameters.


After the analysis has been computed, a comparison between required footing properties and the actual properties of the chosen footing can be viewed on-screen for each design rectangle, as well as nodal data (e.g. shear, bending moment at points along the beam), and a summary of input parameters. This output can be printed, exported to Microsoft Excel (or similar) for graphing of beam deflection and mound shapes, and/or the output can be saved as a text file.


Walsh method using finite element techniques.


Microsoft Visual Basic 6

Program Description

The CORD footing design program is a ''tool'' to assist in the design of raft, waffle raft and strip footings for the types of structures set out in Section 1.1 of AS2870-2011.

Input data consists of soil and structure information, the size of one or more rectangular components (“design rectangles”) of the footing plan and a single footing analysis for fences and warehouses and trial footing cross section properties. All parameters can be modified at any time, including after the trial footing has been tested. If the trial footing is unsatisfactory then the designer can modify the footing parameters to achieve an acceptable solution. Parameters not needing changes are saved and do not need to be re-entered. Adjusted parameters need only be entered to give a solution at any stage of the program. There is no need to repeat the program from the start. (NOTE: self weight of footings is automatically adjusted with changes in footing size). The footing design project can be saved to a file or disk for later use.

The package is suitable for design office use and executes a design in a matter of a few minutes using default values whenever possible to hasten the design process. The printed output is a complete self explanatory summary of the design, ready for submission in a Building Application. An option is available for the output to include final bending moments, shears and deflections for nodes along the footing beam, (as well it is indicated whether or not the particular node is in contact with the soil). Calculations that fail have tabs highlighting where in the program and reasons for failure. A failed calculation can be printed out with warnings highlighting why the footings computed failed whether in centre or edge heave, in long or short span, moment, ductility, stiffness.

In general the program is in accordance with AS2870-2011, Residential slabs and footings.