Caution To Program User / Footing Designer

It is intended that this program be used as a design ''tool'' to assist in the preparation of a raft and waffle raft slab and strip footing designs for construction purposes. The package is suitable for the analysis of the classes of structures set out in AS2870-2011, Section 1. 1 and is intended to be used in conjunction with the design procedures and site management requirements set out in that http://standard.At all times it must be remembered that there is no substitute for sound engineering judgement informulating the final design. A thorough understanding of the importance of the geotechnical input data relating to the physical characteristics of the site foundation soils is considered a necessary prerequisite for the satisfactory use of this computer package.


The above is a warning shown at the start of the program. You need to accept or decline the program before proceeding. The version of CORD you are to use is also shown here.