Cord results (Summary page)

This screen displays the main CORD output, including all load calculations, footing design parameters, and site properties. It does not include node-by-node data, which can be found by choosing to display the “Full Results” screen.

Return To Design

This will take you back to the “Footing Properties” page where you can choose to re-enter parameters, save the design, exit the program, etc.

Display Full Result

This tab ‘Display Full Results’ enables you to view, copy and print:

  • CORD results Preview

  • FEA Node Data

  • Inputs and Load Calculations

  • Parameter List

  • Text Summary

Save Results

Enables you to save the displayed results as a text (ASCII) file for later use.

Print Results

Prints the results to the default printer.

Copy To Clipboard or file

Copies the entire text to the clipboard. (NOTE: You can also select a portion of text using the mouse, and copy to the clipboard by right-clicking on the selected text and clicking “Copy”.)

Finish Design

If you have finished viewing/printing/saving the results and do not wish to go back to your design, you can choose to close the design case. You will then be given an opportunity to save the design parameters (loads, dimensions, site properties, etc) to a file. This can serve as a backup or for later editing and/or computation.