Soil movement for the tree affected case.
Potential surface movement due to the tree – induced suction change in addition to the normal design suction change. In tree design, Yt is calculated from the borelogs using the maximum design drying depth (HtHt) (usually greater than HsHs).
The depth of soil suction for the site, as given in Table 2.5 of AS2870-2011. Hs Hs varies, from:
1.5m in climatic zone 1 |
1.8m in climatic zone 2 |
2.3m in climatic zone 3 |
3.0m in climatic zone 4 |
4.0m in climatic zone 5 |
>4.0m in climatic zone 6 |
The Hs Hs can be inputed suitable for the zone where footing is being designed for the site.